首頁 > 憑證申請 > 申請組織及團體憑證IC卡

Application for XCA Certificate IC Cards

Please input your organization or group name, Business Administration Number, and confirm the OID


The IC card for organizational and group certification is issued to users falling into six categories, including various levels of public and private schools, foundations, associations, administrative entities, freelance professional offices, and other organizations or groups. The validity period for the IC card is SIX years from the date of issuance.


Currently, certificates are not issued to fire equipment service offices and organizations or groups established by 'patent agents' who do not yet possess membership qualifications in the Association of Patent Agents of the Republic of China (ROC) (with no competent authority serving as the initial review window).


For company and business registration, please apply through MOEACA, the Ministry of Economic Affairs Commercial Certificate Management Center.


Please enter information in either of the above fields. For organization or group name, you may input keywords for searching. (Example: Taipei City Zhongzheng Elementary School, enter the keyword 'Zhongzheng Elementary School')

注意事項 Notes

  • 申請資料請務必填寫正確,憑證IC卡一旦核發後將不接受退費。

    Please ensure that the application information is filled out accurately. Once the IC card is issued, refunds will not be accepted.

  • 組織團體主體名稱變更,請廢止原憑證並重新繳費申請。

    If there is a change in the primary name of the organization or group, please cancel the original certificate and reapply by submitting the required fees.

  • 1張「憑證申請書」僅能對應1張憑證IC卡,若欲申請多張憑證IC卡,請填寫相對應數量之申請書。

    One 'Certificate Application Form' corresponds to only one IC card. If you wish to apply for multiple IC cards, please fill out the corresponding quantity of application forms.

  • 每張憑證工本費(含掛號郵資)新臺幣420元

    The processing fee for each certificate, including registered postage, is 420 New Taiwan Dollars.

  • 請記得發文,同一組織團體多張憑證申請書可以合併於1份公文下遞送。

    Please remember that for multiple certificate application forms from the same organization or group, they can be consolidated and submitted under one official document

  • 憑證申請、繳/退費相關問題,請先參考”問與答”,若無法解決再請洽客服中心(02-2192-7111)。

    For questions related to certificate application, payment/refund, please refer to the 'FAQ' section first. If the issue persists, please contact the customer service center at (02-2192-7111).

  • 若申請內容資料不符,將Email通知退件處理。

    If the information provided in the application is not accurate, notification of rejection will be sent via email for further processing

  • 用戶收到憑證IC卡後,請於發卡日起90天內完成開卡,如逾期未開卡,本中心將逕行停用憑證。

    After receiving the IC card certificate, please activate it within 90 days from the date of issue. Failure to activate the card within the specified period will result in the suspension of the certificate by the center.